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About Cass

My youth consisted of moving from one Navy base to another, then I did a short bit wearing the uniform myself. I endured a decade trying find balance in the marriage / family / career fantasy, which was followed by decade of bobbing along the poverty line while raising my children alone.

I am a fan of science fiction, archaeology, the space race, earth science, tall ships, civic orchestras, head-bangers balls, women in uniform, animal rights, juicy steaks, and dictionaries.

I have been chased out of Mexico, survived a major earthquake in Guam, fought a fire aboard a warship, suffered nine days of labor, and pulled my boys out of school so we could wait in line for the good seats to Star Wars.

They say 'write what you know'. I have boatloads to work with.

I have worked full-time and overtime in various industries for decades, but I have spent more than twice those hours reading, researching and--most of all--writing.

Only now, with the kids grown and the mundane career gladly discarded, do I present my work for public consumption.

Thanks for reading,


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