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The Kalfona Series

Charlie Banta has thirsted for a career in history all her life, but when she comes of age to do so, the Kalfona Kingdom decides her fertility is too important to the dwindling human race. Charlie’s journey begins inside the privileged commune where she must learn to think outside of the cage in order to secure an opportunity to study. With the help of the four men on the History Team, Charlie walks the fine wire between behaving and breaking the law so she can also earn the legal right not to have children.

Meanwhile, peculiar Merkan artifacts are trickling into town and these objects should be a lot more decayed than they are. There’s something out there now that wasn’t out there before. It was hard enough just to get the government to allow a woman on the History Team, try convincing them to let a woman risk her life on an archeological expedition into the wilds of Kalfona.

Charlotte "Charlie" Banta is the first to question the history books. The young woman was born in the privileged commune but struggles with friendship, duty, and sexism in order to study history on her own terms.

Aryk is the second to debate the myth; a half-great horned owl / half-woman, born in the wild, who battles anarchy, tyranny, and racism in order to study history at all.

In her own story, each woman realizes a revelation of earth history that rocks the Kingdom of Kalfona into rebellion and chaos.

"This is one of the BEST Star Wars stories that I have read, and I have read quite a few. Your characterizations were wonderful! I've been glued to my computer for the past few hours trying to finish the entire trilogy in one night. Keep up the good work!"

Review on Living Legend : Book 3 : The Long Story

Posted by Anon on FanFiction.net on 05/25/2003

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