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Time to Clean House
by Cass Eastham

Hey, guys! EVERYBODY! Listen up!

Mom's sick.

She'll live — most likely. She's a tough cookie. But Mom is gonna get worse if we don't get our act together. I know, we were just playing around and didn't know what we were doing. But we're not kids anymore. We need to quit being babies about this.

We were so busy beating each other up over little shit that we made a mess of the place. Mom’s barked a few times—sure—but let's not wait until She kicks us out of the house.

You babies—don't start crying that you're too small to help. No one is too small to help. You can do more than you think. Just get up and do what you can.

You middle kids—don't start bitchin' that you ain't the ones that made the mess. That don't matter no more. You'll get your chance to stomp the law comes to preventing new messes. For now, just shut up and clean.

As for you big kids—before you get all cocky and pack your bags, look out the window. Do you see any other house that can take you? Do you see a car in the driveway that can fit all us kids? Me neither.

Now, some of you swear Dad's going to come rolling in at the last minute and save the day like a super hero . . . and He might. That would be awesome.

But wouldn't it be cooler if us kids quit the fisticuffs, cleaned up our own messes, and took care of Mom for a change? Instead making Her take care of us? Imagine Her relief when she can break this fever and breathe. Imagine Dad's pride when He sees we banded together and took care of our home like the responsible adults He raised us to be.

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